Our mission is to win lawsuits. Our ambition is to avoid them.
Our clients don’t go to court by pleasure and our job is to avoid lawsuits as much as possible. However, when a lawsuit becomes necessary we summon up our joint experience in order to ensure utmost preparation. Criminal and mediatic developments don’t scare us: we know how to handle them.
25 years of litigation experience alongside companies.
We don’t only accompany our clients. We listen to them and we understand them. Before speaking in their name we strive to put ourselves in their place, so that the judge, in turn, can understand their business field, the way they work and their constraints. We want to make sure their experience of the legal world will take place in a fair, understandable and highly controlled manner.
Striving for top-notch quality. Gaining demanding clients’ confidence.
We work on defining goals and how to achieve those goals with our clients. We provide customized service because every case is unique. And we ensure personalized strategic guidance that is provided by the partners in the firm.
Le cabinet a de l’expérience dans la gestion d’affaires pénales complexes, sait travailler en collaboration avec d’autres équipes, il est rigoureux et discret.*
(Legal 500, 2020)
Courrégé-Foreman combines “excellent response times and very high level appropriateness of advice”.
(Chambers, 2017)
* The firm has experience handling complex criminal cases, is able to work well together with other teams, is rigorous and